The Question Everyone Asks

What Should I Wear?

There’s nothing worse than poor-fitting clothing to ruin your professional images. Any outfits you choose should be properly fitted, look professional and complement your figure. Likewise, avoid wearing anything that’s either very loose and slouchy or skin tight and uncomfortable.

More Session Information
Tips & Tricks

How to Prepare

Make sure to have outfits that make sense. You don't need a suit jacket if you are a yoga instructor or joggers if you are a financial investor.
Try on every outfit, including proper underclothing and any accessories to make sure everything fits, that everything is clean, and that everything is wrinkle and lint free.


This can be your favorite jewelry, scarf, shoes, tie, watch, or any other accessory you like. If you are doing several outfits be sure to have different sets of jewelry and/or shoes.

Bring "Props"

If you are just doing headshots then you probably don't need to pay attention for this. If you are doing branding then lets make sure we have some visualization of what you do! Some sessions are in your place of work, making finding props easy, but if we are outside or in a studio then we might need to set some things up. Some examples of props include make up brushes for the make up artist, rolling pin for the chef, paint for the artist, laptop for the realtor, etc.

Minor Details

Minor details can be huge. Cracked nail polish, dirty shoes, lint, and wrinkled clothes are all examples that can ruin your images. I will help you out if there is an acne outbreak or you have fly aways in your hair but I need your help to make sure the things that can be avoided, are.

Keeping you, YOU

I am more than happy to zap a away the occasional cut or zit. That said, I do not do body alterations. For two reasons; they are tedious and take a ridiculous amount of time. The cost to you would be astronomical. The other reason is people will not recognize you! How many times have you seen a profile picture that has so many filters on it you don't even know what they really look like. I have met people and been SHOCKED at what they look like in real life. We don't want to do this to your clients. They need to know you! So yes, anything not permanently on your body can be removed, otherwise it is there to stay. I promise I know many ways to pose you in a flattering light and keep you feeling confident.

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Not Matchy-Matchy but Complimentary

You want your style to be complimentary to your brand. If your company is all muted tones don't come in with a neon top. The same is true if you reversed it. Don't come in gray when your brand is BOLD.

Below is a sampling of a session for a local Esthetician. Her brand has some bold colors but nothing too over the top. We picked mostly neutrals and threw in some fun splashes of color.

She is fun and friendly but also a professional. We took some dressed up, some dressed down, and some in her daily work attire. This is what an ideal branding session should look like.